July 29, 2023

RostoVIT at Russia-Africa Summit


The Russia-Africa Summit, held in St. Petersburg on July 27-28, 2023, ended. Our company also took part at the event, thanks to the support of the Committee on Industrial Policy and Trade of St. Petersburg and the Export Support Center.


We are very pleased with the results of the Summit, which for us lasted longer than planned. Several meetings took place on July 29, after the end of the official part of the event.


Our innovation, the bio-stimulant RostoVIT (approved for use in organic crop production) was presented at the stand of St. Petersburg and aroused great interest of African guests. During the summit, we managed to communicate with representatives of relevant companies and development institutions of the participating countries.


For most African countries, the development of sustainable agriculture is a national priority and a preferred destination for investment, and agricultural products are one of the export priorities. At the same time, a significant part of agricultural exports is occupied by organic products. Many African colleagues emphasized the presence of huge areas for the cultivation of organic products and noted a high need for organic preparations, as opposed to those that "spoil the soil".


At the same time, almost all of them expressed their wishes to localize the production of such drugs using Russian technologies on their territory. Representatives of Ghana, Mali, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nigeria have already expressed the hope that after the successful testing, production using our technolog .will be organized on their territory.


So, samples of our bio-product "RostoVIT" are already on the way to Africa.