March 30, 2023

RostoVIT and hydroponics


We continue to receive news from the world of hydroponics. Our colleagues from Green Space LLC shared with us the test results of our RostoVIT.


Already during the first tests, the RostoVIT biologics showed remarkable results:


Thanks to RostoVIT, the increase in the yield of arugula on hydroponics was 23-27% compared to the control. At the same time, there was a reduction in the growing term, which for the whole year gives the profitability increase of the hydroponic farm by 48% or more.


The yield of basil during the experiment increased by 15%.

In absolute figures 120 ml. of RostoVIT during the growing cycle, ensured the 1 kg increase in the yield of basil.


It is worth recalling that RostoVIT is a 100% natural biologics approved for use in organic crop production. No synthetic reagents are used in its production.


We wish our colleagues, and personally Andrei Olimpiev, success and wait for new victories!
